Master Cleanse Secrets – A Thorough Review


Ann Patterson

To learn about Master Cleanse Secrets, we have to discover its origins. It all started with a man named Stanley Burrows (1903-1991). He began his life in New York, but was raised up in Detroit. By the 1930s he landed in Portland, Oregon. In the beginning he was attracted to the lumber manufacturing there, but, he soon was involved with alternative health methods.

Not only is he well-known for his Master Cleanser diet, he also practiced light therapy, deep massage and reflexology and was a strict vegetarian. In the 1940’s, he began instructing in Portland about his ideas on superior health and as they say, the rest is history. One thing to note about Stanley Burrows is that he lived to an advanced age, obviously practicing what he preached.

Now we arrive in modern times and meet the author and publisher of the Master Cleanse Secrets Guide, Raelen Sterling.

He has a different story to tell. Brought up by a busy working single mom so at least daily he dined on fast food, rounded out with chips and carbonated drinks. He was really heavy as a kid, in fact, obese. His doctor advised for him to take up a healthy diet immediately, otherwise he would be lucky to reach his mid thirties.

Unhappily, the diet was soon abandoned, and by the time Raelen became 19, he was 100 pounds overweight. His determination to lose weight then was not health but wanting a girlfriend, certainly a powerful reason at that age!

His first blunder was taking on a crash diet of only 600 calories a day, which left him starving, sleeping fitfully and dizzy. He lost a lot of weight quickly but felt weak and had no energy. Then he went to a 2,500 calorie a day diet, which should have worked well, but since he had starved himself he had lowered his metabolism and put the weight back on.

He got a very hard lesson: when it comes to dieting, health, and fat loss extreme is not healthy!


In due course, he came up with a wholesome eating and exercise way of daily living. Then he got fascinated by the work of Stanley Burroughs and his writings in Master Cleanser. He investigated it and now effects many people in giving themselves a kick start to eating better, and a healthy detox..

So, what do we get from Raelen Sterling with his Master Cleanse Secrets Guide? Actually, quite a lot! Plenty of information on the basis of the Cleanse, who it helps, why it helps, instructions for how to dothe plan, the ingredients of the Master Cleanse, and in addition, discussion of frequently asked questions. .

The principle is, that your digestive system, when not working efficiently allows toxic matter and chemicals to settle in your body. Eliminate these toxins and you can experience relief from chronic health problems, your skin looks better, you will feel energized, and you will lose some weight.

You can utilize the Master Cleanse for 3-10 days and it actually effects you like a fast. It’s recommended you repeat it a few times during the year, but of course, you can use it to totally fit your own lifestyle.

What are the Master Cleanse Ingredients? – The lemonade drink

Pure filtered water

Grade B Organic Maple Syrup

Organic Cayenne Pepper (spices up the taste, stimulates digestive tract lining, and is rich in Vitamins B and C)

Organic lemons

Unrefined Sea Salt

Natural laxative and herb teas are recommended as extras. You are instructed to drink 60 ounces of the prepared lemonade drink on every day are on the Master Cleanse.

Water is certainly a critical element of the cleanse so using filtered water is a very important part of the Master Cleanse. In most countries, chlorine is added to our water to kill off viruses and bacteria. This has become a very debatable issue as to whether we should allow chlorine in our daily diet.

Also, there is always a threat of farm run-off and chemicals from corporate waste entering our water supply. There is no point undergoing a fast detox and then using water that could just put toxins directly back into your body as quickly as you release them!

While you are working through your body detoxification, your body will use the energy it ordinarily uses breaking down and digesting food to cleanse itself.

Master Cleanse is a well tried and proven detoxification to increase the proficiency of your liver, colon and digestive system with the bonus of better skin, higher energy and weight loss.

It truly has endured the test of time since Stanley Burrows introduced it last century, and I am certain it will continue to be a valuable tool we can use to enhance our health throughout this century. Straightforward and natural is best!

I’m Ann Patterson. Wouldn’t you love to restore your energy and well-being quicker than you might think? Master Cleanse Secrets you take charge of your health. Imagine how good you will feel once you complete a

Fast Detox

! And download your free copy of my eBook, “A Curious

History Of Detoxification

” here.

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Master Cleanse Secrets – A Thorough Review }