Armpit sweat or axillary hyperhidrosis is a common condition faced by many people worldwide. Sweating, a natural body process, helps to cool the body and prevent overheating. However, some people sweat excessively, even when the body does not need cooling. This condition is not only uncomfortable but can also cause embarrassment and distress. But there’s good news – there are proven strategies that can help to stop armpit sweat or at least reduce it substantially.

Understand the Cause

Your first step to tackling this issue is to understand why it’s happening. Sweating can be caused by a variety of factors such as hot weather, physical activity, emotional stress, or a condition called hyperhidrosis. While the former reasons are normal and temporary, the latter is a medical condition that triggers excessive sweating, usually in the armpits, hands, feet, or face, without any apparent reason.

Personal Hygiene

Keeping your armpits clean can significantly help reduce the amount of sweat. Shower daily using antibacterial soap to decrease the bacteria count in your armpits which contributes to sweating and unpleasant odor. After the shower, ensure you dry your underarm area thoroughly, as bacteria and sweat can breed in moist areas.

Antiperspirants and Deodorants

There’s a difference between antiperspirants and deodorants that many aren’t aware of. Deodorants function by masking the smell of sweat while antiperspirants reduce sweat production in your armpits. They work by plugging the sweat glands, which sends a signal to the sweat gland to stop producing sweat. For those with excessive armpit sweat, it is advisable to use a clinical-strength or prescription antiperspirant.

Dress Smartly

Wearing breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics can help in managing sweat. Opt for clothing made from cotton, linen or performance fabrics designed to draw sweat away from the body. Avoid tight clothing and fabrics like nylon and polyester which can trap sweat and heat close to your body.

Natural Remedies

While these remedies may not work for everyone, they may help to mitigate the problem of excessive sweating for some individuals. These include apple cider vinegar, which when applied to the underarm region can act as an astringent, reducing sweat production. Likewise, witch hazel, when used as an underarm wipe, can contract the pores and reduce sweating. Drinking sage tea has also been known to reduce sweating.

Medical Interventions

If the aforementioned strategies still aren’t reducing your armpit sweat to bearable levels, you may need to seek professional help. Best doctors to treatment excessive sweating include dermatologists, neurologists, or surgeons specializing in hyperhidrosis. Treatments options at their disposal include prescription antiperspirants, Botox injections, iontophoresis, and in extreme cases, surgery. Each has its own pros and cons that need to be discussed with a professional.


Excessive armpit sweat can wreak havoc on your confidence and comfort, but the battle is not lost. Implementing a strategic combination of personal hygiene, antiperspirant usage, smart clothing choices, and potentially medical intervention can help manage and stop armpit sweat. The crucial part is to action your plan consistently and pay heed to your body’s reactions to these changes. Meanwhile, always remember that it’s okay to sweat, and you are not alone in this.