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byAlma Abell
If you’ve been involved in a collision or crash, finding a car accident lawyer to help you deal with the aftermath is a must. Here are questions to help you find the best one:
How long have you been practicing law?
Experience is a good indicator of whether you’re hiring the right person or not, says ThoughtCo. However, don’t just go with general experience. Look for someone who can count on years of service in dealing with cases similar to yours. A lawyer who has a successful history of settling car accident cases will most definitely have the kind of training and insight to handle yours.
How much of your workload deals with car cases?
Expertise is born out of familiarity. If most of the cases that your lawyer deals with involve car accidents, then that’s going to bode well for you. It means your lawyer will already know what to look for, what signs to watch out for and basically what steps to take to get the case going.
What are my chances?
An experienced car accident lawyer can already make an educated guess on what’s going to happen. Your lawyer can tell you if your case has a chance or if it’s going to be better for you not to pursue the case any further. If you just got a settlement offer, your lawyer can review the offer and advise you on whether it’s a good and fair deal or not.
How much can I expect in terms of compensation?
This is a good question to ask. Most of us only know about damages that cover hospitalization, treatment bills and loss of wages. But depending on your case, you could end up qualifying for more damages like punitive damages or damages for trauma. That’s something your lawyer can determine for you.