Massage and Massage Therapy: The Ultimate Therapy by Sam BentonLet’s cut to the chase.What do you want to see when you look in the mirror? How do you want to feel when you look in the mirror? Let me take a stab at what you actually see and what you actually feel.You think that the face looking back at you is unattractive, and that your best years have long gone, or even that the face looking back at you is downright ugly!Why am I so sure? Because that is exactly what I said and exactly how I felt on a daily basis about the face that looked back at me from my own mirror.Am I different from you… no way! I have spent far too much money on beauty products and anti wrinkle creams, on age reducing pills and potions and I’ve fallen for every ‘Get young and beautiful’ new product that came my way with a net result of not looking a day younger and not feeling any better about myself.That is, until my best friend gave me a gift certificate for a facial massage. Without getting too dramatic, I can say with hand on heart, that without knowing it, my friend had given me a life changing gift. I had never considered massage or massage therapy, because I had it in my mind that it was an expensive luxury, and if there were any benefits I certainly didn’t think they would apply to me.When the time came, my friend had to drag me along for my facial, because I felt, uncomfortable, self conscious, and I suppose unworthy of that kind of attention. I felt that I was drawing attention to something that I’d been reluctant to even think about, let alone discuss, which at the time was an incredibly negative view I had of how I looked and how I felt about myself.This doesn’t sound like a great start to my life changing gift does it? Fortunately for me, my friend is made of stronger stuff and despite her ulterior motive (the gift certificate was for two!) she and I went ahead and had our facial. The facial itself didn’t turn me into a teenager again, and nobody wolf whistled as we sat at a pavement caf, but something was definitely different.I’ve come to understand that the reason I felt different was because a couple of popular myths had been dispelled during my facial. The first popular myth was that massage was not for the likes of me. The second popular myth was that the benefits of massage and massage therapy wouldn’t apply to me. The results of that facial massage and the many that I’ve had since have been to give me a sense of self appreciation. Massage and massage therapy is for the likes of me and it is most definitely not just for the benefit of a select few. Speaking of benefits, the list of improvements that massage and massage therapy delivers goes on and on, and as I’ve discovered for myself, the benefits are not confined to physical improvements, but to psychological improvements as well.Do I look like a supermodel… well I never have and I never will, but that’s not the point. I’m now happy to look at myself in the mirror and more to the point, I feel good about what I see and I’m happy with how I feel. To keep me feeling this way I give myself a thorough facial massage every day and I make a big deal out of doing so. I put on relaxing music and I burn essential oils to create a completely enjoyable experience. A half hour is all it takes and yes, I do believe I look younger, if I say so myself.I suppose the main point here is that you, me or anyone else deserves to feel good about themselves, and for me, the gift of a facial massage was the necessary trigger. There are many things in life that can give you that much needed lift and I hope you find them, but for now, giving yourself a facial massage is as good a kick-start as any.To your continued, outstanding health.P.S. Don’t be afraid to slap on some so called age-reducing lotion or potion if that’s what it takes and don’t beat yourself up either, after all, you’re only human.Copyright (c) 2007 Sam BentonTake control of your Health & Wellbeing with the most comprehensive Home Study Massage Program available.Click here ==> holistic-facial-massage.comArticle Source:
