Submitted by: George Freeman1

Human resource professionals have a big role in helping organisations achieve their objectives. Competent HR managers know how to incorporate proven management systems and processes into the managing of affairs and to improve things. Skilled professionals provide organisations with a big competitive advantage.

The role of human resources management professionals is to recruit, train and develop personnel according to the unique requirements of the organisation. They also offer programmes designed to promote professional career growth, enabling people as well as organisations to achieve their objectives. They help organisations achieve their short-term and long-term career goals and support succession planning for various positions within an organisation by implementing leadership development programmes.

HR professionals can perform varied functions to achieve staffing objectives of a business organisation. Their role also involves the strategic management of an organisation s human resource, promoting a positive work environment for more output by people without letting them feel overworked. Competent HR professionals serve as a bridge between senior management and the work force.


It is the job of HR to ensure that new recruits get the tools and information required to be successful. They provide them with training that includes presentations on company history and its strategic objectives and policies, organisational structure and work procedures. They guide on completing operational tasks such as sending email, submitting status reports, attending meetings, etc. With the right training, new employees take the least time in beginning productive work for the organisation.

Skilled HR professionals provide organisations with a big competitive advantage. They know how to incorporate proven management systems and processes into the managing of affairs and improvements. They can integrate the activities from different functional areas of a business for achieving long-term organisational objectives.

A useful HR policy is to use a scorecard for evaluating the performance of the business and its progress towards achieving the objectives. For realising goals a company needs strategic planning and HR has a major role in the implementation of any programme devised by the management. They help managers deal with various issues confronting them.

The various activities of human resource management staff include planning, selection, recruitment, orientation, training, workers compensation, appraisal, discipline, termination, etc. They also have to use their human management skills to counsel troubled employees.

HR professionals help employees identify performance gaps and design programmes to mitigate the problems. They arrange training sessions for them so that their knowledge and skill levels always remain updated. They devise long term training schedules in consultation with middle level and senior management of the organisation.

A business organisation needs to deploy a plan of action to utilise the human resources available in the best possible manner. HR professionals are trained to assist management devise such programmes. Good HR managers can provide the required leadership in making the department a strategic partner. They can select the right person for the right job and use a mix of incentives to engage employees to give in their best.

HR is a major discipline of business management study and a large chunk of people opt for it. It is a challenging career and to make your mark on the organisation, you need to ensure that you get training from a reputable organisation. Whether you choose a regular or a distance learning MBA course, it must be in sync with the industry requirements.

About the Author: The author recommends the University of Leicester School of Management, which offers campus based as well as distance learning MBA programs.Website:


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