4 Ways to Control TMJ Pain


Jordan Rocksmith

You have one temporomandibular joint (TMJ) on each side of your face, just in front of your ears. They work hard every day as you talk and chew your food—and they are the source of extreme chronic pain in many people around the country. This pain can range from mildly annoying to extremely debilitating; some people with severe TMJ pain may have difficulty opening or closing their mouths.

Talk to your general dentist in Longmont if you have frequent pain in your head, neck, or jaw, because these may be signs of a chronic TMJ disorder. You can also try the following tips for reducing TMJ pain.

Learn How to Relax

In many cases, TMJ disorders are caused from stress. Relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga may help to relieve the source of your stress, eliminating your TMJ pain at the same time. You can also help to relax the muscles around the joint by taking warm showers or applying moist heat to the area. The good news is that TMJ disorders caused by stress are usually temporary and will often go away on their own once the cause of your stress is gone.


Focus on Good Posture

TMJ problems can also be caused by poor posture, especially if you work at a desk all day long. Constantly leaning your head forward over your desk or computer can put unnatural pressure on your the joints in your face and neck. Keep this in mind as you’re working and try to shift position regularly to avoid getting “stuck” in the same position for too long.

Office supply stores also sell many chairs, desks, and other office furniture designed to help you achieve better posture at work. It’s also a good idea to get up and stretch periodically or take a short walk around your office building to promote healthy blood flow through your whole body.

Start Exercising

Regular exercise provides a wide variety of benefits to your body and may help you to manage or eliminate TMJ pain. Exercise boosts the immune system, improves your posture, and stimulates blood flow. It is also a great stress reliever, especially if you use a little bit of gentle exercise to unwind after a long day at work. If you’re new to exercising, talk to your doctor about a healthy exercise plan that will be best for your body and your TMJ pain.

Seek Professional Help

If your pain isn’t too severe, your general dentist in Longmontwill probably recommend trying different “home remedies” to relieve your symptoms. However, there are medical treatments for TMJ pain if your symptoms are more severe or don’t go away on their own. Moderate painkillers may be recommended but are usually a short-term solution. Many dentists prescribe mouth guards to help ease TMJ pain. Patients wear these at night to help the jaw stay in position and to eliminate teeth clenching and grinding. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary—but it usually isn’t, especially if you seek help before the pain becomes too severe.

If your pain isn’t too severe, your

general dentist in Longmont

will probably recommend trying different “home remedies” to relieve your symptoms. To know more about us, visit



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