Choosing Belly Fat Reducing Food


Janelle Elizabeth

It has become obvious to health care workers that the risks of heart attack increase with the amount of belly fat a person carries

Wider waistlines are attributed to unhealthy consumption of fats and lack of physical exercise, both of which are major factors of heart disease.

Diet does play a very important role in your battle against the bulge. But this certainly does not mean that starving yourself is the answer. In fact, when working towards a leaner silhouette, your body will need the appropriate types of food to fuel exercise and support your body’s metabolism.

It’s all about healthy eating and not about total food deprivation. Every now and then we hear of fad diets that focus on one food group while excluding the rest. The problem with consuming only one kind of food, such as an all protein or strictly vegetarian diet, is that you hardly feel satisfied and may even crave for other types of food that you exclude from your meals.


The more that you crave for other food, the greater is the temptation to break your diet, and when you do you are most likely to go on an eating binge. Ultimately you fail to lose that belly fat.

So what should you eat in order to burn belly fat without experiencing hunger pangs?

* Lots of protein. Any serious weight loss diet must have quality protein. Food like nuts, fish and lean meats are high in protein and have a negative calorific effect. “Negative calorie effect” means that your body will burn more calories in order to digest certain types of food. It’s like helping your body burn fat simply by eating protein.

* Carbohydrates with lots of fiber. Despite what many fad diet creators assert, carbs alone do not make people fat. Carbohydrates taken from refined sugars, refined grains and processed foods should be avoided. These are not easily digested and remain longer in your stomach. Instead of getting your carbohydrate intake from processed foods, aim for natural food sources like fresh vegetables, fruits and unrefined grains. If you must have rice, treat yourself to brown or red rice in lieu of white rice. Fiber has a low glycemic index and makes you feel fuller, longer.

* Healthy fats. There are bad and good fats. Your body’s hormone levels are regulated by good fats. Poor diet is the reason that women suffering from anorexia experience hormonal imbalance. While some people may lose weight because of hormonal changes, there are more people who put on weight as a result of hormonal imbalance.

Moderation is the key in the consumption of fat. Examples of fat that you can have are those found in nuts, nut butters, avocados, olive oil, coconuts and virgin coconut oil. On the other hand, you should avoid anything that contains trans fats.

These are often found in highly processed foods. Make it a habit to check food labels to see if what you are about to buy contains trans fats which is the leading cause of belly fat.

Indeed, losing belly fat entails regular exercise and proper diet. You may have to change your eating havits with the food suggestions here. But the good news is that your diet can be a satisfying experience as you have more choices for your taste.

Keep in mind to eat the right food and in small portions. In time, you will lose your belly fat and keep it off permanently.

Starting today – lose inches from your waiste and get rid of

belly fat.

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