By Robert Greenshields

It might not be a far fetched statement to say that hypnosis is one of the most misunderstood and possibly misused techniques in todays self-help arena. It has been shrouded in a mystique that has served to make hypnosis seem superstitious and just another type of ineffective snake oil. But if used correctly, hypnosis can be an effective tool of change. It has proven to assist in the clarification of goals and has helped people to break ingrained habits as well as increase their ability to learn. This article will briefly discuss how hypnosis is utilized to harness the power of the human mind and provide relief from crippling habits.

Hypnosis might be explained as the induction of a trance-like state. In this state an individual is completely relaxed and can experience improved access to their imagination and creativity. While under hypnosis a person is also at a high level of suggestibility. Although the individual appears to be in a reduced state of consciousness, seemingly unaware of the real world around them, in reality the person is at a high state of alert on the unconscious level.


It has been estimated that only a small minority of people are actually operating with a healthy body and mind, the estimated percentage is only around 30 percent. This is in a large part due to our lack of ability to train and channel our minds. Hypnosis assists in this process and is believed to harness the unutilized power of the mind. Utilizing a technique called sublingual messaging, hypnosis is able to communicate directly with the unconscious mind. Because of this, hypnosis is believed to bring about behavior changes and is able to improve our access to the power of our minds.

One technology utilized by hypnosis involves the use of sound. The sounds used will produce waves in the brain and these waves help the mind store information in such a way that it is more easily retained. Actually, this technique finds its root in ancient cultures. In ancient times students were told to recite prayers at the break of dawn right after waking, and again very late at night just before laying down to sleep. During these periods the brainwaves that help us store learning in the root of the brain are occurring naturally, and this allows us to more easily remember what we have studied or repeated to ourselves at those times.

About the Author: Robert Greenshields is a marketing success coach who helps business owners and professionals who are frustrated that they’re working too many hours for too little reward. Sign up for his free tips on earning more and working less at

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