Getting dumped is a good reason to make your ex jealous so she’ll want you back again. There’s no way for me to know what happened, but maybe she crushed your heart and now you want to put a little of that back at her. Maybe you want her back in a way that she realizes that you’re something special and not to be taken for granted. However this has transpired, it will feel good to annoy the devil out of her with a little well-placed jealousy.

Make Ex Girlfriend Jealous Tip #1 – Understanding Women and Jealousy

Women are very paranoid about their relationships, that is a very important fact when you want to awaken that little imp called jealousy and get him on your side. Without a doubt, a woman, even if she’s dumped you, is afraid she’ll lose your care for her. We all know the cur who wanders the sexual landscape without a care and yet the ladies swoon over him. Of course, you and I, the decent guys, move left, move right, to catch a woman’s attraction.

Nonchalance. That’s the first step you must take. You’re not out to look like a jerk, you’re out to look like the weather report is more important than she.


Make Ex Girlfriend Jealous Tip #2 – Make Her Feel Like She’s Missing Out

I know you want to tell her that she’s a worm you wouldn’t care to step on, that’s just not going to work. Why make her mad? That’s all words like that will do. And you’ll come off as a creep. Neither of those are your goal.

Go out of your way to avoid her. Make it obvious that you want nothing to do with her. Display a lot of disinterest should she make an attempt to reach out. Be very cool. But don’t push it to the point of nastiness. Now is the time to kick up your heels. Let all your mutual friends know what a great time you’re having. You need to become the fun guy you once were.

Make her wonder about what she may be missing. Women hate to be bored and she might start thinking about what she may be missing. “I remember that this guy was lots of fun. Why did I let him go?” These thoughts could very well become a concern to her.

Make Ex Girlfriend Jealous Tip #3 – Turn Up the Heat

Great! You’ve got fun back in your life. You’re being somewhat aloof when she’s around. Here’s where you start playing on her jealousy. She probably wishes she were with you again. It’s time to kick the action up a bit.

Finally, you need to start involving some women in your life. Don’t date seriously since you want your ex back. But it wouldn’t hurt for others to see a lady on your arm for a coffee break or lunch somewhere.

Sooner or later word will get back to your ex and she’ll start wondering. At this point, she’s going to be wondering if she goofed by letting a fun and interesting guy go. She’ll start asking herself if she should make a move to get you back.

So, these are some pretty good ways to get your ex into a jealous enough mood to make her start making some moves on you. Now, once again, things will be up to you. She snubbed you. But now the ball is in your court. You can decide what to do about the relationship. Remember, it pays to be nice. No matter if you decide to take her back or not, don’t be a creep about it. Sure, she may have hurt you in the past, but don’t forget how that felt when you deal with her.

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If you found this article helpful and you’d like to learn what to do after you’ve made her jealous be sure to check out: My Girlfriend is Jealous and my Ex Squared System review on my website.Author: Steve Steiner