Submitted by: Jack Bradley

Many people think that switching from glasses to contact lenses will be difficult, but actually it is really not that hard at all. Nowadays many people are turning to contact lenses since they offer a comfortable and easy way to enhance your vision. Contact lenses have also become very affordable.

Contact lenses are a much better choice than glasses for many people, but if you want to make the switch from glasses to contacts, there are a few things that you will need to know.

First of all, if you want to get contact lenses, you will have to make an appointment with your eye doctor for a contact lens fitting. At this appointment, your doctor will check out your eyes, figure out your prescription, and help you choose the lenses that will work best for your eyes. They can also help you find contact lenses that work best with your budget too.

There are a variety of different contact lenses you can choose from. There are different types, manufacturers, styles, and colors; however, not every type is going to be suitable for your eyes. You optician can help you make a good decision about which contact lenses will be the very best for your eyes and your personal circumstances.


Once you start wearing your new contacts, it is important that you do not immediately wear them for too long periods. It will take your eyes quite some time to adjust to the new contacts and, also very important, the contacts will have to adjust to your eyes as well. Wearing your contacts for extended periods of time when you first get them can actually harm your eyes. Your eye doctor will give you an indication about how long you should wear them for the first few days. Each following day you can wear the contacts a little bit longer until your eyes are adjusted to wearing them.

When you decide to switch from glasses to contacts, you will also need to learn how to properly handle and take care of your contact lenses. It is extremely important that you always clean your hands very well before you touch your lenses. This will help to avoid you damaging or scratching your contacts. Whenever you are going to put your contacts in or take them out, you are going to have to touch them, so be sure to clean your hands first.

Many people find that they experience dry eyes when they first start wearing contact lenses. This is a very normal occurrence that new contact lens wearers have to deal with. You can purchase a saline solution or a re-wetting solution for your eyes, and when they get dry you can insert a few drops of the solution into your eyes. This will help give your eyes the moisture and relief that they need and will also help you get rid of the irritation.

With no doubt you had to clean your glasses on a regular basis. It is also imperative that you disinfect and clean your contact lenses every single day. When you wear your lenses, proteins will build up on them, which will require that you clean them with an appropriate solution each day. Usually you can easily do this by making sure that your contacts get soaked in the solution overnight. When you get up in the morning, your contacts will be clean and ready for you to wear again.

Most people find that they prefer contact lenses over glasses. Usually you will have to change your contacts out for a fresh, new pair every few weeks. This will prevent your eyes from getting infections. Almost anyone can benefit from wearing contact lenses and they provide you with a wider range of sight than glasses. They are also great for people who are very active, since they will not have to worry about their glasses falling off or getting broken while participating in physical activities.

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